Political Weather Forecast
After four years of the Trump White House's shameless climate change denial, refusal to recognize social inequities, and hostility to international cooperation, the incoming Biden/Harris administration is poised to completely reverse course on ESG. The first dramatic step will be the US's reentry into the Paris Agreement. The President-Elect's campaign promises on climate change and the environment parallel the new administration's commitment to recognize and address burning social issues, most evidently demonstrated by the Democrat's public support for the Black Lives Matter movement. While the Trump administration sought to disrupt international efforts to tackle ESG challenges, the new administration is sending clear signals that "America is back".

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BHS buyer Dominic Chappell given six years for tax evasion
Ex-bankrupt who bought chain store from Philip Green for £1 guilty of £600,000 evasion
Dominic Chappell has been sentenced to six years in jail for evading tax on the £2.2m income he received from his doomed takeover of BHS.
The 53-year-old spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on luxury items, including a yacht, a holiday to the Bahamas, a Bentley car and some Beretta guns, instead of paying £600,000 due in tax.
Dominic Chappell has been sentenced to six years in jail for evading tax on the £2.2m income he received from his doomed takeover of BHS.
The 53-year-old spent hundreds of thousands of pounds on luxury items, including a yacht, a holiday to the Bahamas, a Bentley car and some Beretta guns, instead of paying £600,000 due in tax.
A former bankrupt and former racing driver with no retail experience, Chappell bought department store chain BHS from the billionaire Sir Philip Green for £1 in March 2015.
But just a year into his ownership, the chain collapsed with the loss of 11,000 jobs and a £571m pensions black hole.
Chappell, from Blandford Forum in Dorset, was convicted of dishonestly evading his liability to pay more than £500,000 in income tax, corporation tax and VAT between January 2014 and September 2016.
The Guardian - International edition - by Joanna Partidge Thu 5 Nov 2020 18.12 GMT
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